- All adults are to make certain that you have filled out the proper paperwork required for you to register with the school as a volunteer for when you are a guest in the club setting.
- All adults are to attend a training session (in person or online), fill out a background check, and fulfill the child protection training before going on a school campus.
- Do not circumvent the sign-in process; sign in at the front once every time you visit a club.
- The campus coach and/or priority parent must participate in the monthly/quarterly local First Priority network meeting.
- You must stick to the First Priority plan (HOPE); this will establish confidence that our clubs are strategically synchronized and will help to keep clubs from taking a non-legal path.
- At the appropriate moment, meet the principal and express appreciation for allowing the First Priority club on the school campus.
- Adults are not leaders in the First Priority club. Therefore, be sure to say “thank you” to the students for inviting you to their club. If you’re invited to speak, be sure to acknowledge the invitation.
- Adults are not to participate in a mass distribution of fliers or any other printed material on school grounds.
- All adults who are not employed by the school must be careful how you dress; collared shirt, long pants and closed toe shoes will create a more professional appearance. Remember that ministry starts not when we walk into the room, but when we walk onto the school campus.
Download the “Suspected Child Abuse and Neglect” form