“Coaches on the sideline” who train, equip, plan, and strategize to help the students lead the club with excellence and achieve the desired outcomes.
A great campus coach is as critical to the student’s success in First Priority just like he/she is to a sports team. A great coach helps bring more students into the program and helps them to be successful in reaching their goals. A large part of that for First Priority is the monthly student leadership meeting where you equip the students and help them plan for each of the Help, Overcome, Prepare, and Engage week meetings. After the first months over, student-led follow-up also get’s added to your coaching plan.
But, before we get into more coaching details, we need to get to know who you are. Before we approve any adult to call themself a Campus Coach, spend time with students in leadership meetings, or step foot onto a public school campus on our behalf, we need three things from you.
- Application. We need you to fill out this simple form that is much like a job application.
- Letter of Reference from your lead pastor. We need to know your church leadership stands behind you. Get this first so you can attach it to your application.
- Background check. Experience and our insurance company says this is wise. Here is the link to the site. This does require a credit or debit card to cover the cost of your check. We do require a new background check and cannot take one from current or previous employers. www.ministryopportunities.org/firstpriorityam
Once we have those three items on file and you receive a thumbs up from the First Priority offices, you will receive our campus coach training on implementing your First Priority club.