Student’s Bill of Rights on a Public School Campus

I. The right to meet with other religious students.

II. The right to identify your religious beliefs through signs and symbols.

III. The right to talk about your religious beliefs at school. The Supreme Court has stated that freedom of speech does extend to the public school when concerning religious issues.

IV. The right to distribute religious literature at school. Literature may not be restricted just because it is religious. However, outside non- students may not use students to distribute literature and literature may not stuff lockers.

V. The right to pray at school. “See You At the Pole” has been specifically mentioned as allowed in government guidelines and other forms of prayer are allowed if not forced on other students. Certain kinds of public prayer, such as graduation prayers, are allowed in certain circumstances but not in others.

VI. The right to carry or study your Bible at school. The Supreme Court has said that only state directed Bible reading is unconstitutional.

VII. The right to do research papers, speeches, and creative projects with religious themes.

VIII. The right to be exempt from activities and class content that contradict their religious beliefs.

IX. The right to celebrate religious holidays at school. Music, art, drama and literature that have religious themes are permitted as part of curriculum if presented objectively as part of traditional cultural parts of a holiday.

X. The right to meet with school officials. The right to petition school officials is protected by the constitution. It is the duty of Christian students to exercise these God-given rights.